You dream of having a family that is connected and a relationship with your kids and your spouse/co-parent that is based in TRUST so you can inspire & influence your family from a place of LOVE & PEACE…So you can spend your time living your dream lifestyle with the people you love most.
If you are ready to have fun parenting, open to seeing things differently, & want to feel peaceful, loving & joyful, this is for YOU! If you are open to learning a completely new way to parent and if you are willing, open & honestly want to learn how to create the family you dream of, I can help.
I help parents create CONNECTED, LOVING, PARTNERSHIP relationships with their children & each other through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Unconditional Love, and Intuition.
Conscious Parenting & Mindful Living Transformational Coaching
You dream of having a family that is connected and a relationship with your kids and your spouse/co-parent that is based in TRUST so you can inspire & influence your family from a place of LOVE & PEACE…So you can spend your time living your dream lifestyle with the people you love most.
If you are ready to have fun parenting, open to seeing things differently, & want to feel peaceful, loving & joyful, this is for YOU! If you are open to learning a completely new way to parent and if you are willing, open & honestly want to learn how to create the family you dream of, I can help.
I help parents create CONNECTED, LOVING, PARTNERSHIP relationships with their children & each other through Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, Unconditional Love, and Intuition.
Conscious Parenting & Mindful Living Transformational Coaching

Do you want to learn the exact strategies that TRANSFORMED me FROM:
A parent who FELT:
Lonely, Scared, Dis-empowered, Disconnected, Insecure, Guilty,
Confused, Uninformed, Hopeless, & Defensive
A parent who FEELS:
Confident, Empowered, Loving, Conscious, Mindful, Connected, Intuitive,
Forgiving, Peaceful, Aligned, Creative, Healthy, Happy, & Respectful
Deciding how YOU want to FEEL & how you want YOUR family environment to FEEL
is the SECRET to experiencing the family you dream of.
What are your dreams for YOURSELF, YOUR CHILD & YOUR FAMILY?
What is YOUR vision?

How did I achieve a LOVING relationship with my husband for the last 28 years? How did I create a loving, kind, respectful family without using punishment or violence? How did I create a life I don’t need to escape from? A happy, healthy home with people I adore that I WANT TO take a vacation with? How did we create an environment where YOU ACTUALLY CHARGE UP instead of becoming depleted and wanting to run for the hills? How did I learn about products we use in our home and on our bodies? How did I learn about the foods we eat and how they affect our health, our mindset, and our behavior?
I help you learn to:
❤ Understand What Peaceful Parenting Is
❤ Build Lifelong Connections With Your Children
❤ Master Techniques To Align Your Own Energy So You Can Parent Successfully
❤ Create a Loving, Peaceful, Respectful, Sacred Home For Your Family
❤ Choose LOVE Instead of Fear
While there may not be any official guide to parenting with all the answers to help us decide what we are doing, we CAN decide HOW WE WANT TO FEEL, HOW WE WANT TO THINK, HOW WE WANT TO SPEAK & HOW WE WANT TO ACT.
We can make a decision to be a Prana Boost™ Parent.
Mindful Parenting is a topic that is closest to my heart…it’s my greatest MISSION, PASSION & DHARMA (Life’s purpose). While raising our 2 beautiful daughters, I had no idea what it might be called. I just followed my heart and listened to my intuition even though almost every decision we made went against the “norm.” Later in my journey, I now know that it is actually often referred to as Conscious, Mindful, Gentle, Peaceful or even Positive Parenting. We have a very unique lifestyle and family life. Our biggest commitment as parents was to remove any Authoritarian actions and reactions and work together in PARTNERSHIP as a connected family & as best friends, guides, & coaches to our girls to find solutions and daily decisions that we all feel good about.