The Prana Boost Show™
Our show is hosted primarily by me, Tina Louise Balodi and at times will by our entire family, Alan Balodi, Isabella Sara Balodi, & Gabrielle Alexa Balodi. We are 2 college sweethearts who have been together almost every single day since 1994 and worked together also for the last 28 years! We moved from Chicago to California after college and started our own website and casual video game business home together. Now working at home still, we are also with our homeschooled/unschooled girls!
We are all now vegan, but were not always, so you can learn about our evolution and experiences leading up to to all of our current lifestyle decisions. We have NEVER punished our children, we all get along and are respectful and peaceful 95% of the time, and we laugh and giggle daily!
We live mindfully and are always working to practice AHIMSA (aka nonviolence/peace), Unconditional Love & Compassion. Our show will share our daily journey with spirituality, typical family challenges and manifestations, and living an “alternative” lifestyle affectionately referred to sometimes by other people as “Life In The Balodi Bubble.” 🙂
In addition to our own Podcast shows, we offer “interview style” shows that feature guest Prana Boosters™ who inspire us, motivate us, and can teach us and our audience new ways to look at life & are helping us to RAISE THE VIBRATION OF THE PLANET TO THE FREQUENCY OF LOVE. Some of our guests are: Brian Hilliard, Serena J. Dyer, Dayna Martin & AmyLee33, Michelle Goldblum, Srinivas Rao, L.A.’s Hugo’s Restaurant Owners: Tom Kaplan & Richard Brenner, Randy Spelling, Dr. Laura Markham, Niurka, Entrepreneurs on Fire: John Lee Dumas & Kate Erickson, Rebecca Eanes, Bruce H. Lipton, PhD., Sheri Salata, Kristine Carlson, Ruben Rojas, David Sutcliffe and more.
We also feature Q&A with T&A™, which is another segment of The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast, where Tina & Alan will let you in on their intimate LIFE discussions (daily discussions really) and they will also answer questions to the hottest topics about everything Prana Boost™/Mindful Living/Mindful Parenting.
Please submit your questions for the show here:
The Prana Boost Show™ Sponsorship opportunities are available.
Please contact us for more information on how you can share your
Prana Boost Approved™ Brand With A WorldWide Audience.
The Prana Boost Show™: 2023 Upcoming Shows
What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ Ruben Rojas
What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ David Sutcliffe
What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ Sheri Salata
What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ Kristine Carlson
What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ Jason Naylor
What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ Susie Wang
What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ Chef Seizan Dreux Ellis

The Prana Boost Show™ ~ Listen to Our Available Shows:
[title size=”2″]The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast Topics In The Works:[/title] [checklist icon=”heart” iconcolor=”dark” circle=”no”]
- Q&A: Send in your most important questions and we will answer them on the show
- The Importance Of Being Your Child’s Best Friend
- How To Manage Emotional Emergencies
- Raising The Energy Of Your Home
- How Awareness Can Transform Your Life
- How to Deliberately Create The Life You Desire
- Limiting Electronics, Toys, & Playtime vs. Educating, Empowering, & Trusting your Child to Decide Their Limits
- Resistance To The NOW, Thinking Things Should Be Different Than They Are
- Judgments vs Observations in Parenting
- Mindful Language: Say ONLY What You DO Want
- Training Parents & Caregivers of Children To Be Prana Boosters
- Permission Based Parenting: Asking Your Child’s Permission (Yes, you read this correctly.) 🙂