Prana Boost Parenting


PBP-Official Book Cover 2015_v16



Conscious Parenting/Mindful Parenting/NonViolent Parenting is a topic that is closest to my heart…it’s my greatest PASSION AND DHARMA (Life’s purpose). While raising our 2 beautiful daughters, I had no idea what it might be called. I just followed my heart and listened to my intuition even though almost every decision we made went against the “norm.” Later in my journey, I now know that it is actually often referred to as Conscious or Mindful Parenting. We have a very unique lifestyle and family life. Our biggest commitment as parents is to remove any Authoritarian actions and reactions and work together in partnership as a connected family & friends to our girls to find solutions and daily decisions that we all feel good about.

I had the pleasure of being personally invited by Dr. Shefali Tsabary to attend an Oprah Lifeclass in Chicago back in May, 2014.  I went to support a wonderful trailblazer and beautiful soul who put some of these concepts into a book called, The Conscious Parent. Her name is Dr. Shefali Tsabary and she is bringing this information to the masses via her book, her work and Oprah Winfrey, who loves this concept of parenting. Until this book appeared, I really thought I was a bit crazy, but that didn’t stop me ever.  I had to ignore any outside voices, doubts, or fears and learn to trust and listen to my inner voice.

My work is to shine a light on parenting in today’s world and help light the way for others. I want to acknowledge the challenges we face as parents today and EMPOWER both parents and kids with new coping skills that they can use in their families and in every part of their lives.

Together as a family we created methods, techniques, traditions and concepts that I share with others called, The Prana Boost Method of Parenting™. I am the author of the forthcoming book that will introduce our story and describe The Prana Boost Method of Parenting™. As we expand the site, I will share this beautiful NEW WAY TO PARENT! I will teach you how to UNLEARN all you know about parenting that doesn’t currently work for your family. I will show you how it is possible to create a family that works together to create a peaceful, respectful, loving & sacred home. I will show you how to build love, connection, & trust within your family so you can have the positive influence you desire. I will share how to build life-long connections with your children at every age and stage. I do this by sharing techniques that focus on Mindful Language, Mindful Thoughts, & Mindful Actions.


I show you how to RAISE YOUR AWARENESS and I train parents and kids to become Prana Boosters™!  These methods help families Create Peaceful, Loving, Connected Relationships & Manage Emotional Emergencies.  Something we all experience and need training for.

I can’t wait to connect with you all via my website, webinars, online classes, workshops, seminars & retreats, while having the best time ever creating the families of our dreams.
