I remember seeing a commercial on TV when I was pregnant with our first little girl. I was rubbing my belly, imagining standing there at Disney watching the fireworks, holding hands and running through the park singing & laughing.
Dreaming of what it might FEEL like to take our own kids to a Disney park.
How much fun we would have and how everyone would be so happy and smiling from ear to ear.
We often dream up a fantasy movie in our minds of what an experience or visit might feel like based on commercials, movies and stories others have shared of their experience at a magical place like this. Think…everyone smiling, holding hands, skipping and hugging.
Well, then I actually was blessed enough to go to a Disney park.
No one warned me that these commercials might have been edited and they may have removed any type of negative emotions that may arise at a crowded, hot, over stimulating theme park. They do not have commercials featuring tired, hot, hungry, sad, yelling, terrified, crying children. Where are all those kids? LOL
Our first experience was not like I had imagined, as our young daughter was extremely frightened of our favorite famous characters dressed in costumes. She screamed and screamed and after that wouldn’t leave the stroller.
That time I imagined in my head of taking pictures as a beautiful memory never happened.
That time watching the fireworks together that day; didn’t’ happen as I “imagined.”
Instead I found myself hiding with my highly sensitive & highly aware daughter in a store on Main Street as she shook from fear from the loud, banging sounds of the firework explosions. Have you ever thought about how scary fireworks can be for a child? How loud? Now we bring earplugs and our youngest even puts a hat over her ears when the fireworks begin and she is 10.
As our girls got older, we have learned to release our “fantasies” of what a day at Disney might look like and instead respect everyone’s individual needs on that particular day of our visit.
“You see, attachment to outcome falls away when you begin to understand that life can be more enjoyable, peaceful, and fun when we truly care more about how everyone feels than how an experience is supposed to happen.” ~ Tina Louise Balodi, The Prana Boost Method Of Parenting
In our family, we have one MAIN INTENTION and that is to be CONNECTED, ALIGNED & AWARE OF EACH OTHER and to BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHERS DESIRES, NEEDS & FEELINGS. What does this mean?
Nothing else matters.
Not how many rides we go on, not keeping score, not how much we paid to visit Disney, not how many photos we can take, not anything our ego might distract us with. The thing that matters most to OUR hearts, is HOW IS EVERYONE IN our FAMILY FEELING at any given moment. This is emotional intelligence. When ‘feelings’ are a priority, you can focus your energy on setting your family up for successful experience.
“When caring about how you FEEL takes a priority in your life, you can create a “Magical” experience all the time.”~Tina Louise Balodi
If anyone in our family is feeling emotional or scared I wouldn’t force them to take a picture and SMILE when they don’t’ want to, or force them to go on a ride when they are not comfortable doing that or they change their mind about watching the parade after we sat or stood saving our spot for an hour or getting off a ride before it begins or waiting in line only to exit the ride when the ride arrives and it’s our turn.
Even if we do not always understand emotions they are very real and powerful we must be there to help assist rather than judge or dismiss them.
I’m asking you to consider a new way of thinking, a new lifestyle, a new mindset with new beliefs that support your family in loving ways.
Our experiences in life are different once we can apply Mindfulness to each day.
What is Mindfulness? It’s a conscious decision to have awareness or to purposefully pay attention.
Here are 12 ways to apply Mindfulness To a Day at Disney so you can
Raise Your Awareness, Enjoy your time together & Create beautiful, safe, loving memories for everyone:
- Intention – Setting an intention is important for your day or vacation and might sound like this: I am intending to enjoy our experience together and I will have awareness about my own energy first. Set your intention, go ahead have a schedule but be open and flexible. Leave time for resting and emotions. We align our own energy before we even enter the park. Mantras help us solidify our intentions: You can state a mantra like this: “No matter what happens, I will react, speak & handle conflict and emotions with Nonviolence, Peace, Love, Compassion, & Respect.”
- Planning – In our family, we bring snacks and plan out foods options that support our plant based lifestyle. Keep in mind what you eat affects your body, mind, & mood. Be sure to bring snacks that support your well-being.
- Permission Based Parenting™ – We take only permission based photos meaning we ask our girls or anyone we are with before we take it to see if they want a photo… This can probably begin as young as 1 yr old…It’s more fun to take a photo with someone who wants to be in one. Also, communicating and asking family members especially children what they want to do next.
- Practice Patience – This is a busy often-crowded environment. There are many opportunities for everyone to feel overwhelmed or out of their comfort zone. If you can take the time to connect often, slow down, check in and listen to each other’s needs, you can react with patience all day long.
- Focus on Joy & Create Inner Peace – This is when we can remain joyful or happy regardless of anyone else’s’ emotions or moods. It’s important that we keep our energy aligned so we can actually help others manage their emotions.
- Master Skills of Negotiation & Compromise – Understand that it is necessary to take breaks throughout the day to connect, check in and discuss how everyone is feeling and what each person needs in that moment. When you talk you can create a plan that feels good to everyone. Sometimes we take turns going on rides, sometimes we need time to sit and rest and sometimes my hubby just would like to relax and have a coffee. Sometimes we can blend a break with a ride like on a train around the park. This way the kids are still “riding” but everyone gets to sit for a while.
- Access Your Intuition – In our family we practice what I call Permission Based Parenting™. It’s really important that everyone in your family is given the respect to follow their intuition. Even young children know what feels good to them. They may prefer to not to get near a costume, not to take a picture, not to ride a certain ride. We need to honor and respect everyone’s desires and not “push” them into doing something beyond their comfort level. Of course it’s ok to double check with them, but once they give you an answer you can accept it and move on. Respect your intuition & your child’s intuition as well. This will slowly build their own confidence as they learn to listen to their own intuition.
- Embrace Unconditional Love, Respect & Connection – It is possible to love your family through it all; the happy, the sad the positive, the negative, being there for all of it. Don’t compare your experience to others or your own children vs. other children.
- Release Expectations – We know how much of an investment it is to go on vacation or to go to a theme park, but often times, the more we invest/spend, the more expectations we have attached to our experience. We are often assuming everyone will and should be happy that you’re even there. This might manifest as feelings such as: I/We paid this amount, so we need to ride this many rides, everyone may want to do different things and not agree. If we can release the need for us to decide how everyone else should act and feel, we will enjoy our day much more as it flows. Also, be open to changing up some traditional rules: Often times souvenir shopping is saved for the end of the day…feel free to think out of the box & change it up. Our girls sometimes like to look first thing when we arrive. This way they are not tired after a long day and often feel safer carrying a favorite toy or stuffed animal friend throughout the park and carrying them on rides.
- Practice Present Moment Awareness – Actually bringing your thoughts into the present moment and enjoying the day based on getting to spend time together, and nurturing your relationships rather than thinking of anything in the future or the past will help to.
- Express Gratitude & Appreciation – Either in your head or to each other…feeling the joy of getting to experience this time together. Perhaps gratitude for the day off or the weather and everyone’s health and well-being.
- Surrender & Detach– We had to surrender to “what is” in order to enjoy our experience. If this meant hiding when there were fireworks, or crying during a parade. The only suffering is the meaning we give an experience. So if we can refrain from thinking things should be different and surrender to what IS actually occurring, we can actually help our family members or friends. Thoughts that don’t feel good might sound like: “We/They should be HAPPY after all you brought them here and it was supposed to be different. The least they could do is be thankful and happy.” What pressure for young kids to have to “act” properly and without emotions because it’s a big day or a big investment. Allow the day to flow …
Tweetable quote: “Miracles occur when you let go and allow the flow.” ~ Tina Louise Balodi
Things just work out in this flowing energy: You get off a ride and you step into the fireworks show in the perfect spot to stop and watch. The timing is just so beautiful right as you’re walking instead of stressing out about finding you a place to sit down in the parade or something you actually go on a ride and after there’s a spot right there for you. All of these divine synchronicities can happen when you release your stressful thoughts and energy. Surrender to what is; don’t resist emotions especially negative ones thinking they shouldn’t happen. It’s all part of the journey.
Things just work out when you release worry.
It’s ok to experience all of it.
Remember, Energy is contagious, and we are magnetic beings. Take care of YOU & PUT YOUR OWN OXYGEN MASK ON.
When you leave the park that evening and everyone’s feet are aching you hop on the tram or go to your hotel or car and all you have left are the memories u created that day, what do you want to remember? Will you remember how many rides you rode? Or how you felt spending the day with your loved ones?
NOTE: You can apply these tips to a visit to a Disney park or ANY DAY in your life as you Awaken with Purpose™ to the desire for more connection to yourself & with your loved ones.
Learn more about our Prana Boost Lifestyle™ in our online course for Mindful Parenting:
Feeling Your Way Through Parenting begins January 10, 2017. Early Bird Discount is available until December 1, 2016
Click here to learn more. http://www.feelingyourwaythroughparenting.com