Happy happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate! In our family, we always take time to focus on GRATITUDE as a daily practice. We live a lifestyle of Gratitude. So today is just another day to continue to be thankful. Gratitude has been scientifically proven to increase our happiness, our health, our wealth, & the success of our relationships. So DO IT OFTEN! (I mean seriously, do it all the time!)
Please be especially mindful about our children and young relatives. Respect their choices to eat what they prefer. Our girls would not eat anything that had eyes or a Momma! We have respected this since they were little. As many of you know, I am also a huge student and teacher of MINDFUL LANGUAGE & TRANSFORMATIONAL VOCABULARY. So let’s remember this as we come together with everyone of every age, but especially our children, that it matters how we speak and what we say. I know that it can be stressful for some to gather together once or twice a year, but if you come with LOVE in your heart, you will enjoy this time so much more.
If your 80 year old great Aunt is wondering why Turkey carving is making you CRY and then offers you some, please be sure to say, “I CHOOSE not to eat turkey rather than I CAN’T eat that.” Remember you are making choices and this shifts your personal power from lack to abundance!
From our family to yours, we send lots of love and Prana Boosting energy!I am grateful for all of you today & always!
Tina Louise
HAPPY THANKSGIVING With Love from Tina & Alan (Co-Founders of Prana Boost) & Isabella & Gabrielle Balodi
The Prana Boost Show™
Hi Prana Boosters! Have you ever wondered what the journey to becoming Vegan looks and feels like? Imagine having your family divided & eating different things…all the girls in your family are vegan & the boys eat meat & you are working to be respectful of everyone’s needs, feelings & desires. Please join us on this episode of The Prana Boost Show™ as I will have the pleasure of welcoming to the show, my guest & beautiful friend, Dayna Martin to discuss her “Radical” ways of life (which are very similar to ours) & how she & her family are co-creating a family based on a Partnership Paradigm. She shares from her heart her feelings & emotions & inspires us to live our best life. Learn about what’s in your food, your makeup & cosmetic products too. We also discuss the movie, Cowspiracy & how our food choices affect our inner world (health) & our outer world (environment). She has authored this amazing inspirational book, Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun. She enjoys traveling the world, making YouTube videos & advocating for Peace, Love, and Freedom! I am so excited to connect with this amazing, courageous, inspiring woman once again & connect with all of you, as she shares her beautiful stories from her life. You can LISTEN to or WATCH this episode. Click here to see all our upcoming shows and current shows: https://pranaboost.com/podcasts/ Click here to go straight to Dayna Martin’s interview: https://pranaboost.com/dayna-martin/ This was so much fun! Dayna and I both share intimate emotions & details for the first time publicly.
You can Subscribe to our Prana Boost YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/PranaBoost and/or
Subscribe to iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/prana-boost-show-raise-your/id891216201?mt=2
Below are a few photos of the dishes we made together with our girls to bring our own Organic Vegan Thanksgiving meal to our family’s house.
Organic Vegan Banana Cream Pie
Bubie Phyllis’ Organic Vegan Sweet Potato Casserole
Organic Vegan Green Bean Casserole
Prana Boost Life & Soul Mastermind™ Guidance Sessions: Individual, Couple and/or Family ~ 30 or 60 Minutes
My favorite thing is to connect with others on a high vibrational level which I call “PRANA BOOSTING™!“ It is so fun & wonderful to share, exchange energy & inspire others to Awaken With Purpose™. I help guide & educate people on the benefits of RAISING THEIR AWARENESS through sharing my transformational insights. I am an author, thought leader & thought shifter, a researcher, awakener, & speaker/entertaining storyteller. I enjoy working with individuals & groups of people to increase their Mindfulness and Well-being and BOOST THEIR PRANA (a.k.a. Life Energy/Breath). I am a Prana Boost Lifestyle Expert™. I help individuals & families create a lifestyle vision for their lives & families that aligns with their authentic selves and core values. My biggest passions are: Inner Personal Transformation, Mindful Language, Emotional Intelligence & Mindful Parenting. I am also the host of a podcast show called The Prana Boost Show™.
It is always so beautiful and fulfilling to gather together with a mutual intention.
Some topics for sessions & events will include: Awaken With Purpose™, Mindful Parenting/Mindful Families/Mindful Marriages, Emotional Intelligence, Raise Your Awareness, Nonviolence (“Ahimsa”)/NonViolent Communication, Re-Writing Outdated Belief Systems, Transforming the Energy of Homes, Work, & Health, Raising Consciousness, Energy Alignment, Consciously Sober™, Emotional Rehab™, Introduction to Prana Boost™, Introduction to Prana Boost Parenting™, Connecting in Relationships with Transformational Vocabulary & Mindful Language, Communicating Boundaries, Saying No With Confidence & Compassion, & Learning to listen to your Intuition instead of the voice of others.
A Note From My Heart To Your Heart
“Hi, I am Tina. I am here to be a safe place for you to connect with me, trust, share energy & feelings and know that you can find your way back to yourself no matter what. It is with great love, compassion, empathy, integrity and kindness that I offer you to be vulnerable with me. Everyone can and must evolve at their own pace, with the only limits to healing being their thoughts, beliefs and past experience. I ask you to be responsible for the energy you bring during our time together and know no one can do this work for you. I ask you to consider that great changes and healing can occur if you are at least willing. I have the ability to guide you to your own guidance that you will resonate with. We all have to find our own way, however, we don’t have to find it alone.”
Typically, we are not taught successful techniques for handling Emotional Emergencies, Conflict Resolution, Mindful Language, Self Love, Kindness, Compassion, & Empathy. Prana Boost’s main intention is to ignite these conversations so we can transform our lives.
I will provide you with the tools, strategies, support & LOVE that you will need as you upgrade your life. With a focus on Mind, Body, & Spirit together we can discover the vision you have for your life. Together, we can raise your awareness so you will feel your own personal power & responsibility & ability to create the shifts in your life that you dream of.
With these abilities, we will build new patterns of behavior that help families thrive and support everyone’s hearts and spirits. When we heal, evolve, & grow ourselves, we then can create a world that is so beautiful and kind and aligned to live in.
Namaste ♥

Sending love and light to everyone on this beautiful day!
Wishing you health, happiness, peace, joy, abundance, prosperity and LOVE♥ on this day and always!
With love, appreciation, & gratitude,